- OR
- Make your data more accurate
- Save time
- Save money
Types of Boolean Search Operators
There are a few different boolean search operators that only a few social media monitoring tools utilize for their users.Quotes
Using the double quotes “” search operator will ensure that whichever phrase is being searched for will be fetched in that order. For example, searching for a phrase: the dog ran in the street, will look for mentions with that phrase in that word order. In Unamo SMM, any search query is defaultly searched for in this way and thus the double-quotes are not necessary. If you would want to look for certain phrases in mentions in which the word order isn’t a necessity, then you would use the “NEAR” operator, which we’ll get into later.Wildcard Truncation*
Wildcard truncation boolean operators – also known as the asterisk* rule – helps to minimize the amount of search queries a user needs to enter by fetching any variation of a word after the asterisk appears. For example, a query that is looking for mentions about the environment could use the asterisk like this: environmen*. This would return any variation of the word appearing after the “n” such as:- Environment
- Environments
- Environmental
- Environmentalist(s)
- Environmentally
Near Rule
The “Near” boolean operator – or / rule – allows users to find words within a certain distance from the main search phrase. Simply enter your main keyword followed by a space and a slash and then the number of words it has to appear within the main phrase. In our example we get “buy” coming 3 words before “hat”. This allows us to find relevant results for keywords that may have multiple contextualization. Some tools will use a “~” or a Tilde, however the “/” in our boolean search works the same way.AND
The “AND” or “+” boolean search operator ensures that mentions appear with every word entered within a query, albeit without a specific order or distance from one another. In Unamo SMM this is expressed with related keywords and globally required keywords. With this method, you will get any mentions that feature all three of these keywords in any order and any distance from each other. The main keyword is “hat” and the related is “buy” which means they must appear together. The globally required keyword means it must also appear in the same mention with the main and required keyword. For now the AND operator is limited to three keywords. However, changes will be implemented soon to remove any limit.OR
The “OR” operator allows you to specify that any one of a set of keywords can appear in a mention. This is done by making each individual phrase a main keyword. In this example, any mention featuring either hat, jean(s), or jacket(s), will appear. We can take this a step further and add AND operators to each phrase so that we will pick up mentions for each word with other parameters within each phrase. In this example, we’ll get any mention that features the word “hat” and “buy”, or “jean(s)” and “sell(s)”, or “jacket(s)” and “get(s)”. If you want just one universal word to appear with any of the keywords then you can add it to the globally required keywords and it will pick up any of the words in conjunction with the one universal keyword. Using the “OR” search operator in this fashion allows you to expedite the process and aggregate the terms together while still maintaining a basic form of separation for quick data parsing.NOT
Excluding certain words from your mentions is done via the “NOT” operator. This is a simple keyword exclusion that can be done in combination with any of the other boolean search operators. Here we get each required keyword under our main keyword as excluded, meaning none of them can appear within a fetched mention. We can set up different excluded keywords for each mention so that some main keywords will exclude certain words while other keywords (if we’re using the OR operator) will exclude different keywords.Special Characters
Unamo SMM allows for special characters to be included in mentions such as:- #Hashtags
- @
- Pluses+
- Underscores_
- &