— Case Study

Positionly is the only solution on the market that provides a simple and transparent way to monitor the effectiveness of thousands of phrases in search engines.
About is a service that allow users making an appointment with a chosen doctor online. Over 3 million users are visiting our site each month. We operate primarily in Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia.
Our customers are medical professionals who purchase access to the online calendar service. With our application patients are able to arrange an appointment, which automatically shows the availability of a doctor with hours of admission.
docplanner.comA lot of data
Working on website development and cooperation in many markets requires us to organize and analyze large amounts of data. Through web analytics, we are able to measure a number of indicators on, which we set our strategy and make strategic decisions about in order to further the development of the company. We mainly use Google Analytics, ClickTale, Salesmanago, Mixpanel and Positionly.
Simplicity and efficiency
Positionly is the only solution on the market that provides a simple and transparent way to monitor the effectiveness of thousands of phrases in search engines. The main advantage of this service is that we have the opportunity to observe trends in the collections of phrases and analysis at the level of individual keywords.
The review of our activities
DocPlanner is currently growing in 11 different markets. Positionly allows us to compare the pace of development in each country and effectively calculate our budget for related search engine campaigns.
Mostly, we use Positionly for monitoring and analyzing traffic and individual phrases in the search engine results page. This allows us to verify the achieved results with our expectations. For larger deviations from the item trend search, we have the ability to see the statistics of individual phrases. In the context of evaluating the effectiveness of our actions, we can keep an eye on our competitors.
Without a reliable source for monitoring our positions, we would not be able to effectively track the positions of more than 15,000 keywords in an effective manner, or one that allows us to draw conclusions on the fly.