Jose Galan — Case Study

Positionly has helped improve my day to day activities.
I work for full time for a company that offers project advisory services for SEO and SEM. I also have a couple of organic positioning projects for small and medium sized businesses in Spain. Because of my job, I partake in a lot of online marketing activities. The ones that I use the most are SEO and SEM, also web usability, and analytics in general. Additionally, I use content creation, blogging, linkbuilding and remarketing.
josegalan.esHow Positionly makes my day easier
With Positionly, you can instantly compare the ups and downs of positions without having to go to the search engine to verify it. The daily alerts by email are very useful to compare if there are large variations in the indices. Another valuable characteristic is the ability to study and compare competitors at ease.
Some features that I like the most are: the alerts for increased rankings on the control panel; the reports for websites that lets you send them to any client that is concerned about their rankings; the main graphics line with all the ups and downs for positions, where in one look we can see if things are doing well, or on the contrary, if a website has fallen; the link reports are very beneficial in order to check the links that have our domain and the daily emails Positionly sends, informing me of position changes.
The daily alerts by email are very useful to compare if there are large variations in the indices.
The feature that I use most frequently is the initial panel that shows all the ups and downs for each website. Afterwards, I observe the rankings that have risen a lot or fallen to see what could have occurred. Also, I look at which website rankings have taken sudden rises or falls.
Easy to use
Positionly’s website is very user friendly and intuitive. I haven’t need any assistance, nor do I need to consulate for help. The menus are very simple and I only had to add the different domains with their respective keywords one time, in order to begin and control positions. The design is also very clean and easy to navigate through.
Positionly’s website very user friendly and intuitive. I haven’t need any assistance, nor do I need to consulate for help.
Furthermore, Positionly has helped improve my day to day activities. Now I can save time by looking for all positions by keyword. I had tried other tools before but I needed one for various domains and various keywords without constantly having to go to the search engine. Positionly lets me control what occurs with the positions. Especially now, with the constant updates of Google, I need to monitor these keywords to generate business.
Since using Positionly, verifying the positions takes a matter of seconds. I can go on the web, verify the positions, domains and keywords that interest me the most in an instant. Positionly is a very quick way to control the rankings that you drive.
Since using Positionly, verifying the positions takes a matter of seconds.