Positionly Blog

Positionly Add-ons

What would be the best software for you? The answer is simple – yours. The way you like it. Period. We would like to introduce to you a new feature we’re really excited about. Positionly Add-ons let you customize your experience, and manage your day-to-day task in a smarter way.

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5+ Ways Google Plus Impacts your SEO Strategy

Social Media, not mentioning it’s influence on marketing strategies, plays a significant role in the modern SEO strategy. Google Plus, as a part of Google’s ecosystem and one of the key players on the social media market out there, in terms of SEO plays a much bigger role than a simple social media platform.

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The date range simplified

Position tracking within a chosen date range has been simplified. We’ve been working recently to make the day-to-day process of monitoring your even more simple. From now on, your website’s position statistics in the search engines will be shown from the last check.

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Inbound Marketing – Improve It in Just One Day

Inbound marketing, from the concept articulated in 2006, has come a long way up to present day. The overall idea hasn’t changed. Inbound marketing is still about attracting people towards your website and product with usage of various channels – blogs, social media, videos and white papers.

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Positionly Affiliate Program

Positionly Affiliate Program

We are launching our Affiliate Program. We’d love to share with you the profit in proportion to the purchased subscription you’ve made. Join the Affiliate Program, and start earning money by promoting Positionly to your friends and customers.

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Kickstart Your Inbound Marketing – 4 Tips You Cannot Afford to Miss

Inbound marketing started as a concept of marketing strategy and now is a common approach to developing business online. The key concept is to drive traffic directly to your website with content. Interesting and informative content attracts new readers, helps building engagement and lastly – it’s creating more awareness around the brand.

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