Keywords are the phrases which people type into the search engines to find the information they are interested in. Search engines, like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex, are very popular because they succeed at providing the most accurate and relevant results to their users. The ultimate goal of every search engine is to solve people’s problems. By investigating keywords, you can tell exactly what those problems are, and address them with high quality content.
There are many types of keywords and methodologies used to categorize keywords:
It is known that if a site appears on the first position of Google’s organic search results for the particular keyword, roughly 30% of searchers will visit the page. This translates into achieving higher traffic, greater brand awareness, and higher potential conversions. Therefore, you should always aim to rank as high in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) as you can.
By providing high quality content with natural keyword placement, both users and search engines crawlers will start perceiving your site as a valuable and relevant source of information. Then, crawlers will be more likely to push you up in the SERPs.
What’s also crucial, is that thanks to keywords, you can get to know your customers better. By analyzing the words they’re typing into a search engine bar, you’ll know everything your visitors are struggling with, their thoughts, and their precise needs.
In order to get the most out of keywords and allowing them to help you succeed, you need to start your SEO practices strong with thorough keyword research.